Category: yoga gold coast
are you getting enough protein?
Both men and women should be mindful of their protein intake as they get older. As women enter the menopausal years, they start to lose […]
eggcellent news for egg lovers
EGGCELENT NEWS FOR EGG LOVERS (FREE RANGE OF COURSE!!!) Consuming just one egg a day reduces the risk of stroke by 12 percent, scientists say. […]
does yoga keep you young?
DOES YOGA REALLY KEEP YOU YOUNG? This article was published in ‘World of Knowledge’ magazine. For centuries, one technique has been used to stimulate the […]
SANTOSHA- practising yoga for mental health as well as physical. Yogis are aware of the joys of positive thinking, whether it is in noticing beauty […]
acid vs alkaline foods
Acid vs Alkaline Forming Foods There is quite a lot of talk at the moment around acid vs alkaline forming foods. For decades, natural health […]